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It’s all memorabilia, but incidental and not integral, if you know what I mean.

Hey sailors, friends, bored office workers and of course excited, motivated office workers.

How are you? I am well. Damon is well. He has been setting rat traps around his house. He saw a rather large rat walk by his lounge room window the other day. Broad daylight. He hasn’t seen it inside yet but, being the rather organised and pro-active lad, he is taking steps to combat against a possible perimeter breach.

I just got back from an amazing week in Mexico. What a beautiful country. The beach where I was staying actually reminded me a lot of where I grew up. My father used to tell me that my childhood by the beach would be the best time in my life and I wouldn’t realise that till I was older. Rather positive thinking on my dad’s behalf. I do concede I was spoilt* by my surroundings when I was child. I was also exposed to dangerous quantities of UV rays because I grew up under a large hole in the ozone (note: Kate book skin check. Damon did you get yours done?). It didn’t take me visiting Mexico to realise how good I had it as a child. I did realise in Mexico however that a) I am extremely sun smart (perhaps the only smarts I can brag about) b) most people on vacation in Mexico aren’t sun smart and really dig getting to that deep shade of red and c) putting a crab in my loved one’s hair, as my dad used to do to me as a child (just after he told me these would be the best days of my life), elicits the same reaction that I gave as a child; hysterical screaming and tears. Both times.

I also have rodent issues but mine are mice and we can talk about that later.

First of all, our new record is called Walls and hopefully by now you have had a listen to the first song we unleashed last week called Trains and Tracks. If you haven’t go here.

Walls is officially out on in the US on April 26! Save the date. How exciting! Stay tuned for release dates in other parts of the world which we’ll announce really soon.

Leading up to this date we have a few surprises up our sleeves. I am not giving everything away today but I will give a little. Every week Damon and I are going to chat (online until he reaches North America when we hit the road again) about…well whatever we want. We are going to record it and you can watch it. I think it will be a great insight into a) odd behaviour, b) how Damon and I run the well oiled machine that is An Horse and c) how to waste time in a very efficient manner. If there is something specific you want us to talk about you can hit us up on facebook or twitter with the tagline #kc/dcweirdos .

Also in the spirit of getting to know your friends at the An Horse Corp. better I am going to be blogging weekly. Blogging about what? Well I like to be spontaneous so why don’t you ask us a question? Our Facebook and Twitter are your best bets to ask Q’s. I may discuss it or I may not but I will discuss pretty much anything that I feel like talking about. For example I can talk about my food phobias. Why I don’t trust small carrots, why I don’t eat cubed food unless it’s chocolate, why I don’t eat fruit and the persecution that comes with this as a result. I could discuss the mouse issue I am battling in my kitchen. Please note it is as sterile as an operating theater. The little creeps keep getting in and I unfortunately have a serious rodent phobia. I did briefly consider getting a snake to eat the mice. No snake phobias here! In fact I believe there is a photo of me from a music festival years ago where I am wearing a strangers python. Anyways I abandoned the snake idea when I realised that I would have to keep frozen mice in my freezer and feed them to the snake. Kind of Catch-22 like. I might also get some friends to ask me questions. Why not?

Also don’t forget to keep checking our Tours page. Lots of exciting announcements coming up.

Okay. Too much talking. Gotta save something for later.


* I use a t in spoilt because that’s how I roll. Google really bullies me and tries to get me to use ‘ed’ in spoilt and ‘z’ instead of ‘s’ in other words. Just want you guys to know I will not be bullied.


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